February 2020 PDP Meeting

February 2020 PDP Meeting

The Norwich, CT Chapter of Polka Dot Powerhouse would love to have you join us for our monthly connection meeting! Our mission is to connect with the world’s most positive, action-forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships. Come learn, network, and be inspired by other female professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries! PLEASE REGISTER at https://www.polkadotpowerhouse.com/link-to-chapters/132-norwich-ct

Guests are always welcome!

For dinner you can choose from three pre-selected menu items for $25 (which includes salad, main course, dessert, tax and gratuity) payable directly to the restaurant - you will pick your selection once when you arrive.

Our speaker will be Tish Rabe.  Tish Rabe is a best-selling children's book author who has written over 170 books for Disney, Sesame Street, Curious George, Clifford and many others. In 1995 she was hired by Random House to write The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library, a series of rhyming science books for early readers which have sold over 6 million copies to date. In her presentations she explains how she writes her books, what it means to follow the style of Dr. Seuss and gives tips on writing books for children. She is a trained professional singer and has been named by her teacher fans as "The Singing Author" so she sings during her presentations. She is a mom, a stepmom and a grandmother and a passionate advocate for the importance of early childhood literacy. 

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 02-12-2020 6:30 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 02-12-2020 8:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 30
Remaining Seats Available 0
Speaker Tish Rabe
Location Prime 82

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